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Children learn as they play.

Most importantly, in play

children learn

how to learn.



- O. Fred Donaldson

& Resources
Play & Developing Ubuntu


Ubuntu is a traditional Nguni Bantu (Southern Africa) philosophy which emphasizes our common humanity.  It’s primary tenet is our connectedness and interdependence as fellow human beings.

About Us

Make & Move Club is a non profit organization that believes that all youth should have access to STEM resources and be provided the opportunity to learn skills to help them be successful in the 21st century.  We feel that learning is enhanced by movement, play and fitness as an outlet of energy and as a part of the creative and critical thinking process. Our goals are to foster positive relationships with the youth in Vineland City and other economically disadvantaged areas of Cumberland County, provide exposure to science, technology, engineering and mathematics through robotics and other hands on activities, and to provide an environment that offers health & fitness services.


​The Importance of Play 


Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth.

STEM Learning in After School Programs


​​There is a widely acknowledged, urgent need for improving and increasing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills among our citizenry and students to navigate the modern world and access the opportunities it affords...

After School Program

Our after school program provides STEM learning oportunities facilitated by play, fitness and movement.  The program supports all students in their social, emotional, and cognitive development. 

When schools are closed for the summer, our camp provides the same safe, engaging, high quality activities that we offer during the school year focusing on learning through play.

Summer Camp

Make & Move is committed to helping our community, and we are always looking to expand our network. We are open to partnerships with schools, universities, and other organizations.

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